T. Kirk Crane DDS

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Benefits of Rotary Endodontics

If you’ve had root canal treatment to save an infected tooth, it probably didn’t occur to you to ask what types of tools your dentist used. But if your dentist used the old, manual file for removing the infected tissue, the procedure may have been pretty nerve wracking. Rotary endodontic tools, however, provide a much smoother, more comfortable experience during root canal procedures, which is why Dr. T. Kirk Crane chooses to rely on them to treat infected teeth in Lafayette, LA.   

Rotary endodontics allows the dentist to remove the infected pulp in the inner root canal more quickly, more smoothly and with less chance of complications. These electric instruments prove to be superior to the traditional, stainless steel files in a multitude of ways. This is because they are made of nickel titanium, which is much more flexible than stainless steel. Increased flexibility allows the tool to be inserted into the curved root canal without damaging the passageway.

The tools are also much quieter and do not produce a grinding noise like other tools. This helps to soothe patients’ nerves during the procedure. While the manual method can adequately save teeth during root canals, rotary endodontic tools are easier and preferred by both the dentist and his patients. 

To schedule an appointment, call (337) 232-3873 or (800) 773-0930. For more information, please visit www.drcranedental.com

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sealants in Lafayette, LA

Although brushing and flossing are effective cleaning techniques for removing food particles and plaque from the smooth surfaces of our teeth, sometimes these methods are ineffective at thoroughly cleaning the nooks and crannies in our premolars and molars. Because molars are the hardest to clean and the teeth most used in the chewing process, they are the most susceptible to cavities and decay. This is why Dr. T. Kirk Crane recommends sealants soon after molars emerge when children are between the ages of 6 and 14.

Dental sealants are a thin, plastic coating applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars to prevent cavities and tooth decay. The sealant is applied by Dr. Crane, who first roughens the surface of the molar with acid and then paints on the sealant. The sealant bonds into the depressions and grooves of the teeth, hardening and forming a shield over the enamel to protect it for approximately 10 years.

Sealants are normally applied to children’s molars because their teeth are especially susceptible to cavities. However, sometimes they are applied to adult molars if they have hard-to-clean grooves that are causing cavities.

To schedule an appointment in Lafayette, LA, call (337) 232-3873 or (800) 773-0930. For more information, please visit www.drcranedental.com.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Dr. T. Kirk Crane Provides Sedation Dentistry

Just the thought of going to the dentist for a procedure can bring on fear and anxiety for many patients. In fact, between 5 and 8 percent of Americans avoid going to the dentist due to their dental phobia, but you don’t need to let your oral health suffer because of fear. At our office in Lafayette, LA, Dr. T. Kirk Crane offers a safe and anxiety-free environment with nitrous oxide sedation dentistry.  

Sedation is used when a patient has a high level of anxiety or dental phobia. If anxiety is enough to prevent a patient from seeking necessary dental care, nitrous oxide can be used to put them in a deep state of relaxation. This method will not, however, put patients in an unconscious state and is different than sedation used to dull pain.

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a common method of sedation used in the dental industry. Administered by inhalation, nitrous oxide works very rapidly, reaching the brain within 20 seconds. With this method, Dr. Crane will place a small mask over your nose and ask you to breathe normally. After a few moments, you will begin to feel relaxed. One of the benefits of this sedation method is that it wears off quickly, leaving no “hangover” effect, which means that you can to drive yourself to and from their appointments.

Anxiety should never get in the way of oral health. Call (337) 232-3873 or (800) 773-0930 to schedule an appointment. For more information, please visit www.drcranedental.com.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

ZOOM! and KOR Teeth Whitening Services in Lafayette, LA

Keeping your teeth white is harder than you think. Even with regular brushing, flossing and dental cleanings, teeth can still lose their gleam. This is because constant exposure to the acid in food and drinks causes teeth to become dull and stained, even with proper oral care. However, teeth whitening services our office can help you restore your teeth’s color and luster so that you can regain confidence in your smile.

To help patients get their whitest smiles, Dr. T. Kirk Crane employs either the ZOOM! whitening system or the KOR deep bleaching system. The ZOOM! whitening system is a chair-side whitening procedure that is done in the dentist’s office, using a safe whitening gel combined with low-intensity light. The light activates the hydrogen peroxide in the gel, which can lighten your teeth up to 10 shades in only an hour! Unlike other whitening systems that involve multiple sessions and take-home trays, ZOOM! produces results that are both drastic and quick.

KOR deep bleaching is often used on patients who are still not happy with the color of their teeth after using ZOOM! KOR is a take-home tray system that is used overnight for two weeks. After two weeks, the patient visits our office again to have KOR whitening gel applied for three sessions of 20 minutes each. This system is best for teeth that are deeply stained.

To schedule an appointment at our office in Lafayette, LA, call (337) 232-3873 or (800) 773-0930. For more information, please visit www.drcranedental.com.