T. Kirk Crane DDS

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Digital X-Rays

Advancements in dental technologies continue to make dental care more accurate, efficient, and safe. Among other technologies available at Dr. T. Kirk Crane’s General & Cosmetic Dentistry in Lafayette, LA, digital X-ray technology has benefited patients with a more precise evaluation and treatment plan, with less radiation exposure. Dr. Crane wants his patients to learn more about how digital X-ray technology improves routine dental exams and procedures.

Digital X-rays in Houston, TX have replaced traditional bite-wing film X-rays at Dr. Crane’s General & Cosmetic Dentisry. This advanced technology provides high definition, highly-detailed images of the gums, teeth, and entire oral cavity. This enables Dr. Crane to detect potential dental problems in their earliest stage. Digital X-rays allow Dr. Crane to rotate, enlarge, email, and print diagnostic dental images to provide greater quality of care. In addition, the patient and Dr. Crane can view digital X-ray images in collaboration.

Beyond the improvements in highly precise and detailed images, digital X-ray technology offers safety benefits. Lafayette, LA dental patients are happy to find out that digital X-rays emit roughly 80 percent less radiation than traditional X-rays used in the past. Dr. Crane encourages patients to experience the accuracy and safety benefits of digital X-ray technology.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dental Implants

Whether you are missing one tooth or multiple teeth due to disease, decay or injury, dental implants offer an attractive solution for filling the gaps in your smile. Although there are alternative options, including bridges or dentures, these options can require work to additional teeth or not permanent fixtures in the mouth. Dental implants, on the other hand, look and feel natural, and Dr. T. Kirk Crane can use them to restore your smile in Lafayette, LA.

The implant process begins with installing a titanium screw in the jawbone through an incision in the gums. This screw will serve as the replacement tooth root for your restoration. Once the screw is in place, the gums are sutured and the jawbone is left to heal around the implant, a process called osseointegration. During this healing process, which can take between three to six months, you will receive a temporary crown so that you may speak, eat and smile comfortably while waiting for your permanent crown.

When the implant has healed, Dr. Crane will install the abutment, which acts as the foundation upon which your permanent crown is placed. An impression is taken of your tooth once the abutment is in place, and the permanent crown is custom made to give you a complete smile that both looks and feels natural. If cared for properly, this restoration can last the rest of your life.

You can achieve an attractive and complete smile with dental implants at Dr. Crane’s General & Cosmetic Dentistry in Lafayette, LA. Schedule an appointment with Dr. T. Kirk Crane by calling (337) 232-3873. For more information about the dentist, his practice and his services, visit www.drcranedental.com

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Patients who don’t have straight teeth often desire corrective dental procedures. Because many of these patients don’t like the look or feel of traditional braces, they turn to Dr. T. Kirk Crane for Invisalign at his General & Cosmetic Dentistry. Invisalign has been around for several years, but is now even more effective today thanks to a computer program involved in the process. Invisalign involves aligners that the Lafayette, LA patient wears throughout the day and night, but can remove for eating and brushing their teeth.

Dr. Crane starts with a consultation to discuss the patient’s needs. He can show them a computer program that helps detail the aligners placement and how they will straighten the teeth over the next 1-2 years. Impressions are made of the patient’s teeth, which are then used to create the first set of aligners. Over the course of the treatment, several aligners are made, each of which continues tightening the teeth and encouraging movement. By the end, the spacing or crowding between teeth is improved.

Invisalign is a top choice for many patients. These patients like them for a variety of reasons, including being able to wear them for less time than traditional braces, the fact that they are virtually invisible to others, and they don’t affect the appearance of their natural teeth, like discoloration which metal braces sometimes can. Patients also adore the fact that they are removable. Those interested in getting straighter teeth are welcome to contact Dr. T. Kirk Crane for Invisalign.

To learn more about Invisalign offered in Lafayette, LA, visit Dr. Crane’s General & Cosmetic Dentistry website at www.drcranedental.com or schedule a consultation with Dr. T. Kirk Crane by calling (337) 232-3873.