T. Kirk Crane DDS

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Veneers in Lafayette, LA

When teeth are damaged or misaligned, it can seriously diminish one’s smile. For those who want a proud smile to show off without major dental work, dental veneers may be the right option. Dr. T. Kirk Crane, DDS of Lafayette, LA offers dental veneers to our patients looking to restore their confidence!

Dental veneers create a perfect smile without major work like braces or surgery. Veneers are thin ceramic shells that are bonded right to the front of your existing teeth. They feel and function just like your natural teeth. Veneers are created completely custom so that they look right for you and fit naturally inside your mouth. They are also stain-resistant. So not only will they create a white and bright smile, but they will keep it that way for a very long time!

To apply dental veneers, first Dr. Crane will take a few millimeters of enamel off of the front of your teeth. Impressions of made of the teeth to be sent to a laboratory where the veneers are created specifically for you. During this time, you will wear temporary veneers. When the new veneers are ready, they are carefully bonded to your teeth. Veneers can last up to ten years when taken care of.

If you are looking for a brand-new smile without major dental work, dental veneers are an option you should check out. To schedule an appointment here in Lafayette, LA with Dr. T. Kirk Crane, DDS, call us at (337) 232-3873 or visit our website, www.drcranedental.com

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Frenectomy with Dr. T. Kirk Crane, DDS

Lip tie and tongue tie can be frustrating and even painful conditions to live with. Dr. T. Kirk Crane, DDS is trained and experienced in performing frenectomies for those in the Lafayette, LA area suffering from complications due to lip tie and tongue tie.

The frenulum is the piece of tissue that attaches the lips to the gums and the tongue to the floor of the mouth. When the frenulum is too short or too tight, it limits the movement of the tongue and lips. This can lead to difficulty in babies breastfeeding, which is a problem for both the baby and the mother. In adulthood, lip tie and tongue tie can cause complications with things like eating, oral cleanliness, and speech.

The process of performing a frenectomy is simple and is usually completed in about fifteen minutes. Depending on age, a general anesthesia may be used. However, for most adults only a local anesthetic is needed. Either a scalpel or a laser will be used to detach the shortened frenulum so that it can heal with more range. The healing process includes only minimal discomfort.

To learn more about frenectomies or to schedule an appointment with Dr. T. Kirk Crane, DDS of Lafayette, LA, call us at (337) 232-3873 or visit our website, www.drcranedental.com.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to be Removed?

Some wisdom teeth grow in perfectly and some of them cause problems. Problematic wisdom teeth and even sometimes healthy wisdom teeth need to be removed. Dr. T. Kirk Crane, DDS is experienced in removing wisdom teeth and can perform the extraction right in his Lafayette, LA dentistry.

When wisdom teeth grow in correctly, they can function as normal teeth. However, sometimes they are still recommended to be taken out because of how far back they are in the mouth. They can be hard to reach when brushing and flossing which can lead to a build-up of bacteria. Removal is especially recommended to those with compromised immune systems and those with heart conditions.

When wisdom teeth do not grow in correctly, they can cause all sorts of problems within the mouth. These problems often occur because the mouth is not big enough. When the tooth has nowhere else to go, it starts growing in wrong or becomes trapped. When they grow in at the wrong angles, they can damage other teeth, irritate gums, and collect bacteria. When they are impacted, meaning trapped in your jawbone, this can be very painful. Wisdom teeth that do not emerge fully can also cause gum disease by trapping food and other debris.

If you suspect your wisdom teeth are growing in, a simple examination by Dr. T. Kirk Crane, DDS can determine if they need to be removed. To schedule an examination in our Lafayette, LA dentistry, call (337) 232-3873 or visit our website, www.drcranedental.com

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Lumineers for a Brand New Smile

Do you desire a brilliant smile, but do not want to go through any major dental work? Dr. T. Kirk Crane, DDS of Lafayette, LA offers Lumineers, an ultra-thin dental veneer to patients looking to improve the aesthetic look of their smile without major dental work like surgery.

Lumineers are ultra-thin ceramic caps that are bonded to the front of your teeth. They instantly fix the look of issues like cracks, misaligned teeth, chips, gaps, and discolored teeth. Lumineers require minimal alteration to your teeth.

Lumineers are able to be treated just like normal teeth, so there are no restrictions on food you can eat. They are to be taken care of like normal teeth, as well. With good care, the Lumineers will stay white and bright for a long time. Lumineers are stain resistant and are durable enough to last over twenty years!

To begin the process of applying Lumineers, Dr. Crane sends impressions of your teeth to a dental laboratory to create the perfect set of Lumineers for you. When the Lumineers are ready to be placed, your teeth are slightly etched to aid a strong bond. The Lumineers are then bonded to your teeth and checked for proper function.

If you are looking for a fresh and bold smile, schedule a consultation with Dr. T. Kirk Crane, DDS of Lafayette, LA to see if Lumineers are right for you. Call us at (337) 232-3873 or visit our website, www.drcranedental.com

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Traditional Dental Implants vs Mini Implants

For permanent tooth replacement, multiple options are always a good thing. Dr. T. Kirk Crane, DDS offers his patients with missing teeth dental implants and mini implants at his dentistry in Lafayette, LA.

Dental implants and mini implants are both permanent tooth replacements. There are a few things that differentiate traditional implants from mini implants, and different uses for each. Both are created in a dental laboratory to look and feel like your natural teeth. Both of them bond with the jawbone just like a natural tooth.

Traditional dental implants are full-sized and are placed within a time period of a few months. The full-sized implant takes several months to bond with the jawbone, so a temporary crown is placed until the permanent one can be placed.

Mini dental implants are about half the size of a traditional implant. Because of this, the implant requires less time to heal and the permanent crown can often be placed the same day. This is great for those who cannot wait several months for a permanent replacement. Mini implants work best for narrow areas where a full-sized implant cannot fit. Mini implants are also used as a stronger base for dentures. The implants are placed along the upper or lower gum line and the dentures are clipped into place.

If you are looking for a permanent tooth replacement, come to our Lafayette, LA dentistry for a consultation. To schedule, call us at (337) 232-3873 or visit the Dr. T. Kirk Crane, DDS website, www.drcranedental.com.